Wednesday 22 October 2014

Viper vs beast........this could get interesting.

So after another monday night raw wwe has decided to put john cena vs randy orton in a hell in a cell .

So this week they decided to spice it up by cena vs orton a number one contender match for the beast whose never there brooock lesnars title.

This has stand a newfound interest to this match as the potential for orton v lesnar.

Now i hope wwe don't just make brock vs cena 3 or 4 or whatever i take the opportunity to create something that's never happened before.

I agree that wwe has absolutely nothing for cena at the moment but making another cena lesnar match is not the answer.

If they're looking for something for cena like i always say just make him heel.

But back to the point ..

the rko vs the f5 could be the match of the year.

Picture this wwe want Randy to eventually go face by probably turning on the authority. ....I  say screw that .

Randy beats cena at hiac, lesnar comes out givea randy an f5 to pay him back for paul heyman getting the rko.

The next week brocks on raw with the mouth piece if thw fued paul heyman saying brocks unstoppable, randy not having the best mic skills changes his character back to when he shaved his head in legacy comes out and very jake roberts like.

He tells brock hes done playing, very good cold and very calculated, he doesnt yell and just tell brock his times up.

Brock wants to fight but randy leaves slowly and paul holds brock back.

Now randy physically is no match for brock but he can play mind games. He runs promos and avoids brock and pauls antagonistic shots at him, everytime one of them in the ring the  other attacks with an rko or f5 .

Paul runs epic promos every week on how randy is afraid and hes the most over rated champ of all time.

There's no faces in this fued just action.

It all comes down to a match no dq for the wwe title.... who wins....who cares but id love to fins out.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

dean ambrose........... how to create a anti hero

It took wwe years to realise this. The anti hero sells.

Since the beginning of time prowrestling has broken down their wrestlers into 2 catergories - baby face or heel fpr many years there was no crossover. The heel was evil took short cuts to get ahead at the expense of others and the white meat baby face was there to save the day and this worked for a long time lile bruno sammartino and whoever he was wrestling,  hulk hogan and roddy piper etc.
Now this means some rules apply you cheer the faces and boo the heels and when these rules were broke  by fans they were ignored by wwe like superstar billy Graham and jake roberts.

But in the 90s fans were sick of these rules and cheered who was more entertaining like nwo so wwe retaliated with stone cold the anti hero he wasnt good all the time he came to the ring gave some stunners drank beer and left he didnt want to be the hero he told everyone what he thought of them whether they liked it or not and people love people like who? Like who they want to be. They want to raise hell tell their boss to go to hell and give them a stunner straight to hell.
Stone cold became the greatest "sports entertainer of all time". Wwe now realises why people gravitate d to austin now but in when austin retired they didnt really find the anti hero to replace him him.
The rise of john cena came next in 2005 and it was like you were watching hogans eats ypur vitamins and say your prayers again.  Yes there were popular heels like edge and orton but none became that anti hero against the establishment.
In 2011 though someone decided to drop a pipe bomb, cmpunk droppes his legendary promo wearing a stone cold shirt anf became the next anti hero in 9 minutes.
He was the heel against the establishment and broke kayfabe by speaking the truth and fans gravitated to that he was "hip" ,he could wrestle and he was entertaining.  You could see the start when punk and triple h  came together to try and recreate macmahon v austin but creative at that time were hopeless and still are,  I mean I could write better tv...... you know what I think I will.
( memo to self start writing raw)
Anyway punk jusy became so popular it was ridiculous and it was because of his attitude to tell it like it is and thats what fans love about him, thats what they wjsh they could do. Either that or bed both lita and aj lee but thats not the point.
Punks retirement at the beginning of this year wasnt a shock. Austin didnt like creative so he left. Punk didnt like creative so he left and you read it every week on bleacher report that he was unhappy with batista comkng abck and having wrestlemania handed to him thats why he didi get ober when he came back
Side bar -speaking of dave did tou hear hw might  be the new villian in the  new james bond movie?
.So wwe needed someone else to bring the attitude.
Enter the lunitic fringe dean ambrose. Wwe or triple h at least worked out this guy is crazy and has an attitude so heres our new guy. They finally worked out the formula
X gets screwed by management + fans feel they are getting screwed by management behind the scenes, tells fans truths that the fans want + x can wrestle and does crazy things everyweek and eiher gets arrested / beat up ina numbers game but x keeps on swinging cause hes definiant times that by 4 weeks and you have an anti hero.
Its simple isnt it


This post is short and sweet, I just watched the latest episode of Monday night War on  the WWE network and the episode was talking about the Radicals going to WWE.

JR said "thats Eddie Guerrero, Perry Saturn, Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit and ring side" then they showed Benoit, It seems so weird to see him on a WWE show after all that time, WWE clearly will never glorify him again due to what happened in 2007.

It does suck that you cant get a Wrestlemania 20 dvd without the main event

It is sad that one of the most gifted technical Wrestlers of all time will always be remembered for that horrible day and his actions that I wont even write.

There is a part of me that thinks Benoit was innocent and something else happened that got covered up, Call me naive but its a dream.

I actually met Chris Benoit when he was in Australia in 2006 and got him to sign my shirt with all different wrestlers signatures on it( It has Ric Flairs on it too) and its said Chris Benoit 4 Real, I did believe that message for the next year.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Attitude era, Ruthless Agression, PG era, whats next reality era? no no the WRESTLERS ERA

Attitude Era, makes you think of Stone Cold, The Rock.

Ruthless Agression, John Cena, American bad ass , Kurt Angle , Edge

PG era, Fruity Pebbles?

Whats the era we are in now?

I call it the era of Wrestlers era.

Looking back at all rosters of all eras there have always been wrastlers that stand out as fantastic technicians and entertainers. But the WWE has the best line up of truly gifted wrestlers where every wrestler that comes through can actually wrestle.

Theres minimal gimmicks, minimal big men that know 3 moves theres true wrestlers like Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, Kofi Kingston, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, CM PUNK. Theres even a Bunny that can do a Super kick so good you might think HBK was under there.

Ever era has the right amount gimmicks and wrestlers for the times, Attitude era was  more entertainers more than wrestling, The 80s were more gimmicks, Ruthless Aggression was more brawlers mixed with wrestling but now we have guys and gals who have grown up watching Eddie Guerrero, RVD, Shawn Michaels, Cactus Jack, Triple H, Chris Jericho and wanted to bring their wrestling dialled up and improved on like the guys from the previous era grew up watching Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Macho Man and Hogan.

These new Wrestlers are also Historians of Wrestling. Ive learned this from Watching WWE network and interviews they know what happened in the 60s, 70s, 80s 90s and so on and the best part is they can pull from and implement into their character.

It could also contribute because of WWEs development system. Putting guys the NXT working on promos and ring work also alot of the wrestlers have come through indie promotions like ring of honour and TNA( yes i said TNA was indie and theres nothing wrong with that ).

WWE has changed with the times as they always do to make new fans take note. In this case guys and girls that can "Wrastl" taking guys from the indies and world wide.

Finally we can watch a payper view and actually see some Suplexes.

Ladies and Gentlemen My name is............One of the greatest Wrestling Minds ever.

Ladies and Gentlemen my name is.................................... Paul Heyman.

Paul Heyman is one of the greatest wrestling minds ever.................

Now I know its the popular thing to call your yourself a "Paul Heyman Guy" since CM Punks infamous pipebomb, but Ive been a Paul E. Dangerously fan since ECW, ECW was the coolest thing, every match was hardcore, there was half naked chicks, every "Wrestler" was bad ass.

This came from the ingenious mind of Paul Heyman.

I cant say enough good things about Paul Heyman and heres a point form list of the genius and Life  of Paul Heyman.

  1.   As a kid watches Superstar Billy Graham on TV and falls in love with the business.
  2. Starts a small movie collectable mail order business at 13 years old gets up enough money to  get a camera and printing press and started taking pictures of Wrestlers and started his own Fanzine.
  3. Decides at 14 he wants to get behind the scenes in the wrestling business, so he works out where Vince MacMahon Snr hangs out when hes at Madison Square Garden and Hustles his way into Madison Square Garden as a photographer at 14!!!!!!!! I was busy playing PS1 at 14.
  4. Becomes friends with Classy freddie Blassie, Captain Lou Albano and the Grand Wizard of wrestling and starts learning the business with them.
  5. Works his way to being a photographer at studio 54 at 19 years old by chance and hustling and books Friday nights at Studio54 with a Wrestling event with Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes.
  6. Goes to work a mid South Wrestling and fueds with Jerry Lawler
  7. Becomes a commentator with Good Ole JR in WCW and learns commentary
  8. Goes to WCW and Manages the Dangerous Alliance at 26 years old lead by Ravishing Rick Rude and works out and brings in a young Stone Cold Steve Austin to the group (maybe he saw something there).
  9. Joins ECW to help young talent and ends up managing the whole thing at 27 years old, Starts stars like RVD, Eddie Guerrero, the Dudleys, Chris Jericho  and Chris Benoit (WHAT, WHO IS THAT). Brings out the best in growing legends like Terry Funk, Mick Foley and Stone Cold Steve Austin.
  10. Makes ECW a Pop Culture phenom.
  11. Joins WWE becomes the lead writer on Smackdown and makes the ratings better than RAWs.
  12. Takes on "Paul Heyman guys" who become WWE champs like BRRROOOCCCKK Lesnar, Big Show, CM PUNK, Edge, Eddie Guerrero.
  13. Manages the man who beat THE F#%KEN STREAK.
The man is a motivator and brings out the best of Wrestlers, Hes like a director that knows how to get the best of every wrestler, Id follow him to the ends of the earth.

I also know that if you minus Eric Bischoff out of WCW and enter Heyman we would all be watching WCW right now you can believe that.

Im sure Ive missed some stuff but so you realize this man is wrestling.

Long life the Walrus......COO COO CAJOOB

Monday 13 October 2014

The Best of Sting DVD review or is it Sting vs NWO dvd? 13/10/2014

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.........wait it wasnt a woo it was more of a scream but it was awesome. I recently watched the best of Sting DVD that WWE has put together and I thought Id write a short review.

The dvd is similar to the best of Goldberg DVD its just matches so if you want his story, this isnt what you want but if you want good wrastlin' then this is worth a look. As a kid I thought other than Ric Flair, Sting is the greatest thing to come out of WCW with the whole crow look , coming down from the rafters and the music was awesome. Watching this DVD mainly brought back memories of watching Nitro and how much the NWO pisses my off.

The first disc starts off with the Stingers matches tagging with The Ultimate Warrior as the Blade runners very green and slow wrestling because Sting was a body builder from Venice Beach who gave wrestling a try the first few matches might not be so good but the 3rd one is what you want to watch....................

Ric Flair......Stings greatest opponent. The matches with Ric Flair in this DVD are awesome, he also has some great matches with Great Muta a bad ass Japanese Wrestler, Ron Simmons (Farooq), The steiners and a young Stone cold Steve Austin as surfer dude Sting. The first 2 DVDs have some good Wrestling and I really enjoyed it but watching it match after match you pick up on Stings sequence schtick.

Next they go into his transition to the crow because he did carry WCW for years then Hogan comes in creates the NWO and Sting rebels to take on Hogan after nearly a year and this is one thing that I did enjoy watching and it was AWESOME seeing  Sting beat Hogan it was entertaining and climactic, but the rest of the matches except for his last match on Nitro with Flair was just as follows:

1. Sting fights member of NWO

2- Sting being superior Wrestler out wrestles them.

3. Stings just about to win NWO comes out and attacks Sting.

4. Sting gets help either Big Show/ Giant or Lex Luger.

After 2 hours of that and 10 matches it gets old. Theres some good stuff on their with the Wolfpac (Sting and Nash) taking on Harlem Heat and Sting vs Randy Savage and Bret was good. But I do get sick of Hogan coming out and stealing the spotlight. (and yes I was one of those people that didnt like the NWO I was more of a WWE guy)

But overall it brings fond nostalgia of watching to cool crow character of Sting and hopefully Sting has one more match in him........Cough Undertaker Cough. Sting was and still is an awesome wrestler and is one of the best of all time, I still want to paint my face white and black and get a black trench coat and a baseball bat.

John Cena is F$%king with me

Well not literally anyway............

So I was watching Greatest back stabs on WWE Network for $9.99 (cheap plug).....and it got me thinking all the greatest wrestlers that have ever been have had a successful Heel run like Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H and Hulk Hogan.

All Except one

This Guy

The Cena Nation Leader, Hustle, Loyalty, Respect with bigger arms that the Hulkster all around GOOD guy John Cena.

John Cena hasnt had a successful heel run. The only run he had was the doctor of Thuganomics early in his career having fueds with Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero and BROOOCCKK Lesnar. But that was years ago and a Heel run for Cena would definetly revamp his character.

Cena is funny and witty and can be a bit of a dick (great to be a heel run) and has a mean streak.

So Why hasnt he had one yet?

Well there are many reasons you could argue one of which is WWE would loose their merchandise cash cow, Everytime Cena changes his shirt sales go through the roof and if Cena was heel the little kids wouldnt want to buy his merch.

Another is they think it might not work, Simliar to Stone Cold Steve Austins heel run after Wrestlemania 17. Which I thought was good by the way Stone Cold is funny dude and to be a good heel you need to be a bit funny.

One is Cena justs wants to be Hulk Hogan times a million (they even let Cena wear Red and Yellow now). The kids love Cena they really do and if I was under 10, I would be wearing whatever fruity pebbles shirt he would wear.

Another is Cena's 80's and 90's action movie schtick/ Goku from Dragon ball z schtick wont work anymore. 

You know he has an opposing opponent (which everyone is from rey mysterio to kevin federline) gets his ass kicked, learns a lesson, rises above and comes back and wins.

He would have to completely change his wrestling style.

Everytime they tease a Heel turn for Cena, Like when Paul Heyman is trying to bring out the "Real Cena" Im at the TV screaming DO IT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!

I loved jerk Cena against Rock. I was hoping it push a heel turn, He was hilarious and if you noticed he wasnt getting booed as much.

The truth is Cena has been doing this Hustle , Loyality ,Respect thing for too long. Take it from Hulk Hogan he would have been booed like John by the smart fans if he didnt go to the NWO.

Speaking of the "smart fans" those are the people booing Cena, The kids still love him and so do the ladies and by looking at him you can see why. A heel turn would seem like Cenas betraying the kids but he would pick up the smart fans

The dream would have Cena turn heel with Heyman as his manager and just go rampaging on eveyone, kinda like the deal with Brock Lesnar now but he would be there every week.

Anyway dream or not I hope it happens.

LETS GO CENA...........Sorry about that, that was lame
