Wednesday 22 October 2014

Viper vs beast........this could get interesting.

So after another monday night raw wwe has decided to put john cena vs randy orton in a hell in a cell .

So this week they decided to spice it up by cena vs orton a number one contender match for the beast whose never there brooock lesnars title.

This has stand a newfound interest to this match as the potential for orton v lesnar.

Now i hope wwe don't just make brock vs cena 3 or 4 or whatever i take the opportunity to create something that's never happened before.

I agree that wwe has absolutely nothing for cena at the moment but making another cena lesnar match is not the answer.

If they're looking for something for cena like i always say just make him heel.

But back to the point ..

the rko vs the f5 could be the match of the year.

Picture this wwe want Randy to eventually go face by probably turning on the authority. ....I  say screw that .

Randy beats cena at hiac, lesnar comes out givea randy an f5 to pay him back for paul heyman getting the rko.

The next week brocks on raw with the mouth piece if thw fued paul heyman saying brocks unstoppable, randy not having the best mic skills changes his character back to when he shaved his head in legacy comes out and very jake roberts like.

He tells brock hes done playing, very good cold and very calculated, he doesnt yell and just tell brock his times up.

Brock wants to fight but randy leaves slowly and paul holds brock back.

Now randy physically is no match for brock but he can play mind games. He runs promos and avoids brock and pauls antagonistic shots at him, everytime one of them in the ring the  other attacks with an rko or f5 .

Paul runs epic promos every week on how randy is afraid and hes the most over rated champ of all time.

There's no faces in this fued just action.

It all comes down to a match no dq for the wwe title.... who wins....who cares but id love to fins out.

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