Wednesday 15 October 2014

dean ambrose........... how to create a anti hero

It took wwe years to realise this. The anti hero sells.

Since the beginning of time prowrestling has broken down their wrestlers into 2 catergories - baby face or heel fpr many years there was no crossover. The heel was evil took short cuts to get ahead at the expense of others and the white meat baby face was there to save the day and this worked for a long time lile bruno sammartino and whoever he was wrestling,  hulk hogan and roddy piper etc.
Now this means some rules apply you cheer the faces and boo the heels and when these rules were broke  by fans they were ignored by wwe like superstar billy Graham and jake roberts.

But in the 90s fans were sick of these rules and cheered who was more entertaining like nwo so wwe retaliated with stone cold the anti hero he wasnt good all the time he came to the ring gave some stunners drank beer and left he didnt want to be the hero he told everyone what he thought of them whether they liked it or not and people love people like who? Like who they want to be. They want to raise hell tell their boss to go to hell and give them a stunner straight to hell.
Stone cold became the greatest "sports entertainer of all time". Wwe now realises why people gravitate d to austin now but in when austin retired they didnt really find the anti hero to replace him him.
The rise of john cena came next in 2005 and it was like you were watching hogans eats ypur vitamins and say your prayers again.  Yes there were popular heels like edge and orton but none became that anti hero against the establishment.
In 2011 though someone decided to drop a pipe bomb, cmpunk droppes his legendary promo wearing a stone cold shirt anf became the next anti hero in 9 minutes.
He was the heel against the establishment and broke kayfabe by speaking the truth and fans gravitated to that he was "hip" ,he could wrestle and he was entertaining.  You could see the start when punk and triple h  came together to try and recreate macmahon v austin but creative at that time were hopeless and still are,  I mean I could write better tv...... you know what I think I will.
( memo to self start writing raw)
Anyway punk jusy became so popular it was ridiculous and it was because of his attitude to tell it like it is and thats what fans love about him, thats what they wjsh they could do. Either that or bed both lita and aj lee but thats not the point.
Punks retirement at the beginning of this year wasnt a shock. Austin didnt like creative so he left. Punk didnt like creative so he left and you read it every week on bleacher report that he was unhappy with batista comkng abck and having wrestlemania handed to him thats why he didi get ober when he came back
Side bar -speaking of dave did tou hear hw might  be the new villian in the  new james bond movie?
.So wwe needed someone else to bring the attitude.
Enter the lunitic fringe dean ambrose. Wwe or triple h at least worked out this guy is crazy and has an attitude so heres our new guy. They finally worked out the formula
X gets screwed by management + fans feel they are getting screwed by management behind the scenes, tells fans truths that the fans want + x can wrestle and does crazy things everyweek and eiher gets arrested / beat up ina numbers game but x keeps on swinging cause hes definiant times that by 4 weeks and you have an anti hero.
Its simple isnt it

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