Monday 13 October 2014

John Cena is F$%king with me

Well not literally anyway............

So I was watching Greatest back stabs on WWE Network for $9.99 (cheap plug).....and it got me thinking all the greatest wrestlers that have ever been have had a successful Heel run like Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H and Hulk Hogan.

All Except one

This Guy

The Cena Nation Leader, Hustle, Loyalty, Respect with bigger arms that the Hulkster all around GOOD guy John Cena.

John Cena hasnt had a successful heel run. The only run he had was the doctor of Thuganomics early in his career having fueds with Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero and BROOOCCKK Lesnar. But that was years ago and a Heel run for Cena would definetly revamp his character.

Cena is funny and witty and can be a bit of a dick (great to be a heel run) and has a mean streak.

So Why hasnt he had one yet?

Well there are many reasons you could argue one of which is WWE would loose their merchandise cash cow, Everytime Cena changes his shirt sales go through the roof and if Cena was heel the little kids wouldnt want to buy his merch.

Another is they think it might not work, Simliar to Stone Cold Steve Austins heel run after Wrestlemania 17. Which I thought was good by the way Stone Cold is funny dude and to be a good heel you need to be a bit funny.

One is Cena justs wants to be Hulk Hogan times a million (they even let Cena wear Red and Yellow now). The kids love Cena they really do and if I was under 10, I would be wearing whatever fruity pebbles shirt he would wear.

Another is Cena's 80's and 90's action movie schtick/ Goku from Dragon ball z schtick wont work anymore. 

You know he has an opposing opponent (which everyone is from rey mysterio to kevin federline) gets his ass kicked, learns a lesson, rises above and comes back and wins.

He would have to completely change his wrestling style.

Everytime they tease a Heel turn for Cena, Like when Paul Heyman is trying to bring out the "Real Cena" Im at the TV screaming DO IT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!

I loved jerk Cena against Rock. I was hoping it push a heel turn, He was hilarious and if you noticed he wasnt getting booed as much.

The truth is Cena has been doing this Hustle , Loyality ,Respect thing for too long. Take it from Hulk Hogan he would have been booed like John by the smart fans if he didnt go to the NWO.

Speaking of the "smart fans" those are the people booing Cena, The kids still love him and so do the ladies and by looking at him you can see why. A heel turn would seem like Cenas betraying the kids but he would pick up the smart fans

The dream would have Cena turn heel with Heyman as his manager and just go rampaging on eveyone, kinda like the deal with Brock Lesnar now but he would be there every week.

Anyway dream or not I hope it happens.

LETS GO CENA...........Sorry about that, that was lame


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